AMVB - Archives and Museum of Flemish Life in Brussels

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This page is a translated version of the page AMVB - Archief en Museum voor het Vlaams Leven te Brussel and the translation is 100% complete.
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The Archives and Museum of Flemish Life in Brussels (AMVB) ensures the acquisition, management, research and valorisation of archives and collections of the Dutch-speaking heritage communities in the city of Brussels.

Tangible and intangible heritage form the building blocks for the collective memory and influence contemporary appreciation of a given community's social role. The AMVB aims to make this heritage both visible and usable and tries to stimulate general awareness of its value to society. Besides discovering new heritage through active prospection, the AMVB also stimulates the rediscovery of forgotten heritage by facilitating research and (re)use. By forming new layers of meaning, the AMVB promotes the (re)interpretation of heritage by the community.

In addition to facilitation, the AMVB also takes on a supporting role. By sharing its expertise and organising training sessions on heritage and information management, the AMVB provides both expiriental and formal learning for young and old, professional and amateur.

As a welcoming and open house, the AMVB is aimed at everyone in and outside Brussels who wants to discover and experience the city of yesterday and today. This may be Dutch- or multilingual Brussels residents, expatriates who permanently identify with Brussels, of Flemish people who are connected to the Belgian capital. Anyone who is interested in the past and present of Brussels, its inhabitants and its institutions is welcome at the AMVB.

More information on the collection and activities of the AMVB can be found on its website: